I recently turned 28 which (at age ten I informed my 29 year old cousin) is really, really, really old. The thing is I don't feel that old except that my body occasionally hurts now after I play basketball for three hours. Unfortunately little things have made me more and more aware of how I'm much different then five years ago. Like the fact that Brown Guy and I have conversations about things like furnishing, cutlery and retirement plans and less discussions of female anatomy, eating large amounts of food in one sitting, video games and shots at the bar. The worst part is that it feels normal not to talk about these things as much. Any attempt to recapture youth is dangerously close to being "those old creepy guys" trying to act 20.
In an attempt to recapture my "youth" I went with three other 27 year-olds and purchased an Xbox 360 for myself for my birthday. (My wife has yet to get me a gift, a story for another day) And no I haven't gotten Halo 3 yet, it's sold out in the DC area apparently . . .
I REALLY need some new cutlery!
That's real.
Is it sad that at 25 I already prefer to have those conversations? You should see my kitchenware. No lie. It's hot to death.
I'm in the prime of my life but it feels like its about to end
I hear ya... I played football on Friday, and my legs still hurt 5 days later! Let me know when you get halo3!
-Taco Bell Mike
I still mix in the former conversations with the latter, but everyone I go to school with is 22. Taco Bell Mike - Let's play some Halo. You know, two weeks from now, that is.
What is your live account? Mine is 'Mike Eats Tacos'
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