So I finally picked up Halo 3 this past weekend since BestBuy decided to put it on sale. After playing for the first time on Tuesday a future doctor who shall remain nameless, but whose initials are AL, convinced myself and a co-worker to call out from work to play all day. (Honestly it didn't take much convincing on his part) Bottom line, it was a blast to not have to worry about work for a day . . . it felt like college again. For those of you who are interested, I tried playing online with "Mike Eats Tacos" and . . . not so dramatic pause . . . I suck. Stupid fourth graders.
I'm going to write something about the Shaq trade tomorrow.
On a more positive note, you doubled your kill count from game from the first game to the last game. Oh, and buy a mic!
Ha, for those of you who weren't part of the game that doubling was from one kill to two kills. I do have the whole headphone/mic set I just couldn't bring myself to put it on.
remember - killing yourself doesn't count
No “suicides” for me. I’m pretty sure I “betrayed” someone though.
Dude. Sometimes people need to be betrayed.
Yeah they do, but I'm pretty sure this guy was just minding his own business and not trying to get shot in the head from behind by me.
You guys area a bunch of f*cking nerds.
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