Not to say that it wasn't a bad thing that those kids got mauled to death by that Tiger, but they kind of deserved it. It was confirmed that they were indeed taunting the tiger. One of the kids was standing on top of the fence waving and yelling at it. WTF? Why on earth would you taunt a tiger. Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know that a tiger will eat you. There should be a rule that if you wouldn't do something to an animal in the wild, you shouldn't do it when the animal is in a cage and angry.
I mean look at this thing. Why would you taunt it.
What the hell is wrong with people. Didn't they learn anything ever?
Tigers do rule, though I doubt anyone really deserves to get eaten. They were just being foolish. Now I'm going to be looking over my shoulder for tigers the next time I'm in India...
I'd vote for "TIGER" in 08.
Tigers are destroying the community.
...and I'll also eat a Tiger.
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