Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm not Jay Bilas, but . . .

why does "our" basketball team have to suck so much??? We've sucked** since the mid-nineties. At what point can I adopt another college basketball team as my own? I've stuck with them through Brian Ellerbe, "Peanut" aka Reed Baker, Avery Queen, Gavin Groninger, Maize Rage, Tommy "Turtleneck" Amaker, a loss to Harvard, Josh Asselin, "Soft Serve" aka Courtney Simms, and Dommanic Ingerson. The worst would have to be the year we lost to Duke at Cameron Stadium. (Yeah I know, we lose every time we play there) Let me help to jog your memory, it was the year that the Duke fans actually cheered for us the first time we scored. At that point the score was 36 to 2 in favor of Duke.

The image above pretty much sums it up. Are the marketing people at Michigan so desperate this is the only thing they can come up with? It's like winning the "Shit Scooper of the Year" award. It doesn't matter how much you try to dress it up, you're still getting an award for shoveling other people's shit.

The worst thing of all is that every year they get my hopes up only to dash them by losing nine of their last twelve games to miss the NCAA Tourney and end up in the NIT. I'll give it one more year. If it doesn't work I'm going to take an online one credit correspondence course at Kansas, UCLA, or North Carolina. I just can't take much more . . .


**I really wish I could think of a word better then "sucked." I don't even think that begins to describe how terrible we've been.


Swami Says said...

Too bad you aren't a State fan. I was pissed when our ranking fell to 11 on Monday...

M. Viggy said...

Yeah it's like your football team. Maybe we can just combine your basketball team and our football team and simply compete as the "State of Michigan." It's not like the state has much else going for it.

Anonymous said...

I have just resorted adopting my significant other's alma matter, PITT. It helps that I rooted for them growing up too. Did you see that game against G-town the other night? Awesome.

Brown Guy said...

Remove "...sucked..." Insert "...resembled a projectile ostrich turd that's been lit on fire..."

That sums it up.

I root for Georgetown. Yeah for grad school....psych.